Eat A High Protein Diet for Low Body Fat

Do you feel like no matter what you do you just can’t lose body fat? You exercise, you eat well but to no avail. Well in this post I am going to talk about an important macronutrient, protein. And in the end, I will share you with one thing you can start doing to get…

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Take a Week Off

Have you ever tried to give up something that you just didn’t want to? I’m sure you have. We all have. That favorite food, drink, or dessert can be almost impossible to live without. It can be tough at times, but I have a little tip that can help. It is meant to be applied…

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Forward Head Posture and Pain

Forward head posture (FPH) is very common posture within our society today. It is recognized as the position in which the ears are in front of the shoulders. We sit at desks all day, look at our phones and tablets, read books, and many other things that allow us to drift into this position. It…

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Myths of Women and Weightlifting

There are a lot of people out there that still believe many of myths about women lifting weights. Today’s post is going to cover two big ones. I want people, especially females, to know that lifting weights is extremely valuable, especially if your goal is weight loss or fat loss. If you still fall into…

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Exercise vs. Medication

Medication is one of the most widely bought items across the United States. Last year alone, 325.8 billion dollars was spent on medicine (1). Yes, that’s right billion. Why is so much money poured into medicine? Well a lot of it has to do with out lack of exercise and poor nutrition. Now, I am not…

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Hip Mobility, What Is It And Why Do You Need It?

Mobility is a term being thrown around in a lot in gyms today. You may have heard someone mention it, but do you know what it means? Renowned physical therapist Gray Cook would say its your freedom of movement at each joint. He created the Functional Movement Screen (FMS), which serves as an assessment for…

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Nutritional Convenience: The Good and The Bad

In the fast moving world today, time is limited. We stretch our time over many different things. This makes it hard to accomplish other things, especially when trying to lose weight. Because of this, the convenience factor usually creeps in. When pressed for time we eat things like fast food, microwavable processed meals, and pre-packaged…

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Got Back Pain? Breathe Better

Lower back pain is something that affects about 60-80% of Americans (1). In fact, you probably know someone currently suffering from this. Since it’s so prevalent, the most asked question is “What can I do to get rid of my pain?” Well for starters you can change the way you breathe. Quick physiology lesson You…

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Start Small, Finish Big

In today’s world, it seems like we rarely have time to breath, let alone start a fitness program. It can be very hard to find the time and motivation to get in a workout. I see this time and time again in the gym. We all have families, jobs, school, or many other things that…

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Five Reasons You Aren’t Losing Weight

Losing weight can be one of the hardest things to do. Many who begin this journey do not know where to start, and give up when they do not see results quickly. Today I want to share with you five factors that could prevent you from seeing a drop on the scale. This is by…

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