Best Articles From The Previous Week: August 16 2015

Each week, I publish a list of best articles from the previous week. These articles range from a wide variety of topics like nutrition, training, stress management, weight loss, general health, etc. Here is the list from the week of August 9- August 15.

1. The Secret Ingredient You’re Missing For Stronger Motivation: Courtesy of Darya Rose on Greatist

We are hard on ourselves when it comes to missing exercise or not eating a good meal. We often think about how much we screwed up and how we’re never going to reach our goals. But it’s this type of thinking that could be hindering you most. This article talks about one key factor most people are missing when it comes to being healthy.

2. 5 Fundamental Core And Abdominal Exercises For Beginners: Courtesy of Timothy Bell on Breaking Muscle

The “core” is one of the most misunderstood and overused term in the fitness industry. You may have heard it defined as your abs. As the author notes in the article, “the core is a term used to describe just about everything on your body that isn’t your legs and arms.” He’s absolutely right. Here are five exercises every beginner should master for proper core strengthening.

3. Why Working Out Causes Weight Gain: Courtesy of Craig Weller on Precision Nutrition

You may have had to read that title again. I know I did when I first read it. But this article has some fascinating research within it. I’ll let you read it for yourself, but I will give you a hint. The way you think about movement can have a profound impact on the results you see.

4. 7 Tips For Making Perfect Meal Plans For Weight Loss: Courtesy of Muscle For Life

Nutrition is so commonly made into this complicated thing when it comes to weight loss. It really isn’t. And yet many people still struggle day in and day out. This very detailed article covers 7 strategies needed to create better meals for successful weight loss.

5. 15 Things You Should Know Before Trying To Get Shredded Abs: Courtesy of Buzzfeed

I posted this on my facebook page this past week, but I wanted to share it here as well. One of the most sought after fitness goals is a six pack. Many want one, but few really know how to get there. This article breaks down 15 important, science-based facts you need to in order do it.


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