Best Fitness Articles From The Previous Week: August 4 2024

1. 3 Best Lower Lat Exercises: Courtesy of Emily Caldwell on The Manual

The lats are an essential muscle group, playing a significant role in the strength and physique of your back. If you’re aiming for a more muscular look, targeting your lats is crucial. In this article, Emily shares the three best exercises to achieve that.

2. You’ll Stick To Your Diet With This Simple Trick: Courtesy of Reda Wigle on The New York Post

Consistency is the number one issue people struggle with when pursuing their fitness goals. However, it is also one of the most important factors for long-term success. In this article, Reda shares a simple tip to help improve your consistency and achieve better results.

3. Temptation Bundling: Courtesy of Steve Kamb on Nerd Fitness

There’s a habit-forming strategy called temptation bundling, where you combine a task you need to do with a task you want to do. Research shows that this method is highly effective for tackling tasks you’ve been putting off. In this article, Steve explains how to use temptation bundling and why it works so well.

4. No-Carb Diet: Is It Worth It?: Courtesy of Gabriella Madden on My Fitness Pal

Carbohydrates often get blamed for weight gain, leading to a surge in low or no-carb diets. But are these diets actually good for you? Should they be used? In this article, Gabriella answers these questions and explains why you should include carbs in your weekly diet.

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