best fitness articles

Best Fitness Articles From The Previous Week: December 23 2018

Each week, we publish a list of best fitness articles from the previous week. These articles range from a wide variety of topics like nutrition, training, stress management, weight loss, general health, recipes, etc. Here is the list from the week of December 16 – December 22.

1. Fast Metabolism 101: What It Is And How To Get It: Courtesy of Dr. Atli Arnarson on Healthline

Metabolism refers to the chemical processes in the body that keep you functioning. The higher it is, the more calories your body burns and the easier it becomes to shed fat. In this article, Dr. Arnarson shares how you can speed up your metabolism to accomplish this.

2. The Correct Number Of Reps Per Set In The Gym: Courtesy of Steve Kamb on Nerd Fitness

The amount of reps you do in the gym directly correlates with the results you’ll see. This begs the question, “How many reps should you be doing?” Well, that all depends on your goals. In this article, Steve explains how to determine this correct number.

3. The Forgotten Component Of Progressing In The Weight Room: Courtesy of Tony Gentilcore on

Many people believe they have to crush themselves every workout for it to be effective. If they aren’t lying in a pool of their own sweat after a workout they didn’t push themselves hard enough. Fortunately, this isn’t true. In this article, Tony explains other methods to see progress and how going easy sometimes can help you see great results.

4. Why Fat Loss Is Harder For Women: Courtesy of TC Luoma on T Nation

The unfortunate truth is that women have a harder time losing fat when compared to men. But just because the process may take a little longer doesn’t mean it’s impossible. In this article, TC shares why this is the case and what women can do to combat it.

5. 5 Workout Mistakes Only Men Make: Courtesy of Gareth Sapstead on Breaking Muscle

If you’re a man who has recently seen a plateau, then you might be making a few mistakes whether it be with your workouts or your nutrition. But this plateau can be erased with a few specific strategies. In this article, Gareth shares 5 common mistakes men make and how to fix them.

Side Dish Recipe Of The Week: Roasted Garlic Greek Yogurt Smashed Potatoes

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