Best Fitness Articles From The Previous Week: February 14 2021

1. Saturated Fat: Is It Good Or Bad For You?: Courtesy of Alex Picot-Annand, and Dr. Helen Kollias on Precision Nutrition

Saturated fat is often demonized for it’s effects on heart health. But should it be? That’s the topic in this article from the folks at Precision Nutrition. 

2. The 12 Best Compound Exercises For Beginners: Courtesy of Steve Kamb on Nerd Fitness

Compound exercises (movements targeting multiple muscle goups) present the most bang for your training buck. This is why they should make up the bulk of your workouts. In this article, Steve shares the 12 best compound movements for beginners. 

3. Why You Need Short- And Long-Term Goals: Courtesy of Nia Shanks on

Goal setting is important; especially when it comes to your fitness. Most of us have big goals we want to accomplish. And one thing that will help us do this is by breaking those large goals up into smaller or short-term goals. In this article, Nia explains why and how to go about doing this to set yourself up for success. 

4. Set Yourself Up For Nutrition Success With A Kitchen Refresh: Courtesy of Megan Schall on

Nutrition is, without a doubt, the biggest player in the success of your fitness goals. But many are lost when it comes to food and have no idea where to start. In this article, Megan shares why a “kitchen refresh” is a great place to begin and how it can go a long way toward simplifying food choices. 

5. What To Do When You Blow Your Calorie Budget: Courtesy of Kristina Larue on My Fitness Pal

If you find yourself struggling to maintain your calorie limit during the day, you aren’t alone. In times like this, it’s easy to get frustrated and angry. But, in this article, Kristina shares 11 strategies that will help steer you back on track. 

Breakfast Recipe Of The Week: Eggs in Purgatory

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