Best Fitness Articles From The Previous Week: March 9 2025

1. Personal Trainers Share The No. 1 Tip That Has Changed Their Lives: Courtesy of Perri Ormont Blumberg on Time

One of the fastest ways to improve is by learning from those who’ve already achieved what you’re striving for. When it comes to fitness, personal trainers are packed with expert insights. In this article, top trainers share their best tips to help you build healthier habits, stay consistent, and get real results.

2. The Weight Of Weight Loss: Measuring Success Beyond The Scale: Courtesy of Hallie Levine Sklar on Eating Well

Diet culture often emphasizes the number on the scale as the ultimate measure of progress. But the truth is, your weight only tells part of the story. In this article, Hallie explores alternative ways to track success besides the scale—helping you focus on what really matters for your health and well-being.

3. 8 Dumbbell Exercises That Drastically Change Your Body Shape After 40: Courtesy of Alek Korab and Alexa Mellardo on Eat This, Not That!

Dumbbells are a powerful tool for building strength and muscle at any age, but they become even more valuable as you get older. They engage multiple muscle groups at once and challenge your stability, which is key for maintaining balance and overall function. In this article, you’ll discover 8 essential dumbbell exercises to keep you strong and resilient after 40.

4. Why You Need A Big Why: Courtesy of Steve Kamb on Nerd Fitness

Sticking to a fitness routine, eating well, and living a healthier lifestyle takes effort. Without a strong “why” behind your actions, it’s easy to fall off track. In this article, Steve breaks down why having a clear purpose is essential for long-term success.

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