Best Fitness Articles From The Previous Week: May 6 2018

Each week, we publish a list of best fitness articles from the previous week. These articles range from a wide variety of topics like nutrition, training, stress management, weight loss, general health, recipes, etc. Here is the list from the week of April 29 – May 5.

1. The Only Way To Burn Fat While Building Muscle: Courtesy of Cody McBoom on

Many will tell you that’s it’s impossible to gain muscle and burn fat at the same time. These two are complete opposites of each other, so they can’t be done together, right? Well, fortunately, it is possible. It just takes some smart planning and consistency to get the job done. In this article, Cody shares a plan to help you do it.

2. The MATADOR Intermittent Diet: Courtesy of Eric Bach on T Nation

Most diets fail because of several reasons. They severely limit your calories making you hungry all the time and they typically have you cut out some of your favorite foods. All this adds up to you reverting back to your old eating habits with no results to show for it. Well, in this article, Eric shares a study done last year that provides a science-based plan to achieve fat loss for the long-term.

3. Here’s the Simple Guide That Shows You How to Eat Healthy: Courtesy of Nia Shanks on

Healthy eating has been made out to be this overly complicated thing. But the truth is, it can be incredibly easy if you don’t get caught up in the latest fads and gimmicks. In this article, Nia explains in great detail how to simplify healthy eating and make it work for your lifestyle.

4. 8 Pieces of Fitness Advice Trainers Wish People Would Stop Believing: Courtesy of Alexa Tucker on Self

These days, there’s no shortage of fitness advice out there. Turn on any media outlet or open up the newest magazine and you’ll be given the latest trend that will magically get you results. But a lot of this “advice” is just plain wrong. And in this article, Alexa gathered several fitness coaches from around the country to talk about several myths they would like people to stop believing. I found myself nodding in agreement to every one of these.

5. The 7 Best Protein Powders for Women: Courtesy of Jillian Kubala on Healthline

Protein powder is a perfect supplement for those who have trouble eating enough protein through real food. But there are many different types of powders out there. In this article, Jillian does an excellent job of describing 7 common variations and offers some advice on which to choose. While this article is targeted at women, it is very informative for men too.

Lunch Recipe Of The Week: 5 Ingredient Vegetable Frittata

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