Best Fitness Articles From The Previous Week: October 22 2023

1. The Two Biggest Protein Mistakes: Courtesy of TC Luoma on T Nation

While protein intake often falls short for many, even those who consume ample protein can inadvertently miss out on muscle-building opportunities. In this article, TC delves into the two most significant slip-ups that might be hindering your gains.

2. 8 Worst Habits For Your Bones As You Age: Courtesy of Adam Meyer on Eat This, Not That!

As we age, preserving strong bones becomes paramount for our overall health. Low bone density raises the specter of osteoporosis and fractures. Emerging research highlights specific daily habits that may unwittingly hasten this decline. In this article, Adam unveils 8 habits to steer clear of, safeguarding your bone health with expert precision.

3. So You Can’t Squat?: Courtesy of Eric Cressey on

While squats are a fundamental movement, some face hurdles in achieving the perfect form. Whether due to pain or anatomical limitations, the correct position remains elusive for some. But the silver lining is, lower-body training can still be both safe and effective. In this article, Eric presents 5 innovative exercise alternatives designed for those navigating squatting challenges.

4. Is Lack Of Focus Killing Your Consistency?: Courtesy of Tom Venuto on Burn The Fat

Consistency is the secret to getting great results. It’s also the biggest pain point for most people. When life gets in the way, you have to cut things out. Fitness is usually one of the first. In this article, Tom walks through 3 tips to help you stay accountable and see measurable success. 

5. Best Shoulder Exercises For Strength And Stability: Courtesy of Dr. Rachel Tavel on Forbes

While the shoulder boasts remarkable mobility, it’s also a common site for injuries. Fortunately, many of these issues can be averted through a blend of strength and mobility exercises. In this article, Dr. Tavel introduces 6 crucial exercises to bolster your training regimen and ensure your shoulders stay pain-free.

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