best fitness articles

Best Fitness Articles From The Previous Week: December 17 2017

Each week, we publish a list of best fitness articles from the previous week. These articles range from a wide variety of topics like nutrition, training, stress management, weight loss, general health, recipes, etc. Here is the list from the week of December 10 – December 16.

1. Time Management For Everyone: Courtesy Of Dan John on

Time is one thing we will never get back in our lives. And as such, it’s often hard to squeeze in extra time during the week for things like the gym or cooking. So that’s the excuse everyone always falls back on. But in this article, Dan shares his 10 commandments of time management. Most of these have little to do with exercise, but they will undoubtedly help make your days a little less stressful.

2. Cardio For Weight Loss, Everything You Need To Know: Courtesy of JC Deen on JCD Fitness

Cardio is largely associated with weight loss. Many believe they have to slog away on a treadmill hours upon hours each week in order to see a drop on the scale. But is this actually the case? In this article, JC shares everything you need to know about cardio as it pertains to weight loss and shares whether you actually need it or not.

3. What Your Resting Heart Rate Can Tell You About Your Fitness: Courtesy of Amy Marturana on Self

Most fitness trackers come with a handy feature: heart rate tracking. However, most don’t realize that your resting heart rate can actually provide a look into your overall fitness level. In this article, Amy shares how and explains why you should keep track of your heart rate.

4. Hunger: The Definitive Guide: Courtesy of Dr. Jade Teta on T Nation

If you want to shed fat, get lean, and keep it that way you have to keep hunger in check. And we all know that, with any weight loss goal, you must eat less calories than normal. This can make it hard to stay full and satisfied. But in this article, Dr. Teta explains the science behind hunger and shares several strategies to help you keep hunger at bay.

5. A Travel Strength Circuit (For When You Have No Space At All): Courtesy of Molly Galbraith on Girls Gone Strong

With the holidays right around the corner, it can be tough to follow your normal workout routine. Not only are you a little busier but you also may be short on space (if you have guests in your home or are a guest in someone else’s). But that’s no excuse to forgo your workout. You just need to be a little creative. In this article, Molly shares an exercise circuit you can do with little space and no equipment.

Dinner Recipe Of The Week: One-Pot Beef And Broccoli Stir-Fry

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