Best Fitness Articles From The Previous Week: January 17 2016

Each week, I publish a list of best fitness articles from the previous week. These articles range from a wide variety of topics like nutrition, training, stress management, weight loss, general health, etc. Here is the list from the week of January 10 – January 16.

1. The Single Best Muscle-Building Method: Courtesy of Christian Thibaudeau on T-Nation

Building muscle mass is one of the most components of body composition no matter if your goal is fat loss or gaining muscle. Yet it can be extremely hard to accomplish, especially if you’re a more advanced lifter. Well, a new study was published that found one method of training to be extremely successful for building muscle. In this article, Christian digs into it and shows you how to apply it to your own training.

2. The Top 10 Psychology-Based Goal Setting And Goal Achieving Strategies: Courtesy of Tom Venuto on

Goal setting has become very popular, especially this time of year. But many people do not approach it correctly and give up. There have been many psychological studies done on this and, in this article, Tom walks you through the best strategies you can use to set and achieve your most sought after goals.

3. How Protein At Breakfast Can Help You Lose Weight: Courtesy of Freydis Hjalmarsdottir on Authority Nutrition

Protein is a key nutrient for weight loss and fat loss. I talked about its benefits numerous times on this site. In this article, Freydis digs through several research studies and shows how eating more protein at breakfast can help you easily lose weight.

4. 5 Mistakes Keeping You From Your Resolutions: Courtesy of Paul Salter on

As I mentioned above, goal setting and New Year’s resolutions are common. But you can sabotage your efforts quite easily. In this article, Paul breaks down 5 mistakes you could be making that will cost you your resolutions.

5. Mindful Eating 101: A Beginner’s Guide: Courtesy of Adda Bjarnadottir on Authority Nutrition

Mindful eating isn’t really talked about that often, but research shows it can be helpful with weight loss and emotional eating. If you struggle with binge eating, being mindful of your food can go a long way in helping you overcome this struggle. In the 2nd article from Authority Nutrition this week, Adda looks at what mindful eating is and how you can use it.




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