best fitness articles

Best Fitness Articles From The Previous Week: July 17 2016

Each week, we publish a list of best fitness articles from the previous week. These articles range from a wide variety of topics like nutrition, training, stress management, weight loss, general health, recipes, etc. Here is the list from the week of July 10 – July 16.

1. 20 Effective Tips To Lose Belly Fat (Backed By Science): Courtesy of Franziska Spritzler on Authority Nutrition

Belly fat is one type of fat everyone wants to lose. Not only that, but increased abdominal fat is linked to a host of health issues like type 2 diabetes and heart disease. In this article, Franziska walks you through 20 different things which help you shed belly fat. Each of these methods have been studied extensively and can be quite effective.

2. The Not-So Scary Truth About Sweeteners: Courtesy of TC Luoma on T Nation

Artificial sweeteners get a bad rap. Many believe they can contribute to diseases like cancer and obesity. But is that what the research actually says? Several types of sweeteners have been heavily studied and the truth isn’t as scary as people make it out to be. In this article, TC covers 6 different types and describes how much you can safely consume.

3. Tip: Increase Mobility For A Better Squat: Courtesy of Kasey Esser on T Nation

The squat is one the best exercises you can do regardless if your goal is to shed fat or pack on lean muscle. However, it requires you possess adequate mobility at your ankles and hips to perform it safely. In this short article, Kasey presents one drill that can quickly improve your mobility and your squat technique.

4. How To Create A Caloric Deficit To Lose Weight: Courtesy of JC Deen on JCDFitness

Of all the variables that come into play with weight loss, creating a caloric deficit is the most important. Many people aren’t exactly sure how to do this correctly though. Do it wrong and you could risk losing valuable muscle mass, which makes maintaining your results much harder. In this article, JC opens up about how to create a calorie deficit the right way to ensure optimal fat loss.

5. Why Low Carb Diets Don’t Work For Long Term Goals: Courtesy of Mike Gorski on

Low carb diets are all the rage today. While these diets work well when you need to lose weight quickly, they’re not sustainable long-term if your goals are to train hard and get lean. In this article, Mike walks you through the science of why carbohydrates are a necessary component of any diet.

Dinner Recipe Of The Week: Chicken Paillard

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