best articles

Best Fitness Articles From The Previous Week: March 20 2016

Each week, I publish a list of best fitness articles from the previous week. These articles range from a wide variety of topics like nutrition, training, stress management, weight loss, general health, recipes, etc. Here is the list from the week of March 13-March 19.

1. 9 Fat Loss Mistakes You Don’t Realize You’re Making: Courtesy of Nia Shanks on

There’s no doubt about it, fat loss can be a tricky thing. Everyone will make mistakes at one point or another. But it helps when you know what mistakes to look out for. In this article, Nia talks about 9 mistakes you may not know you’re making and how to solve each one.

2. Corrective Posture Exercises For Chronic Sitters: Courtesy of Maryann Berry on Breaking Muscle

Chronic sitting can wreak havoc in many ways. One of the biggest being on our posture and joints. In this article, Maryann provides 6 exercises you can do to combat this problem.

3. The “Real” Vs. “BS” Hip Flexor Stretch: Courtesy of Tony Gentilcore on

Walk into any gym and you’ll surely see someone stretching their hips flexors. Many feel like they have tight hip flexors so they constantly stretch them. The funny thing is it never works. In this article, Tony talks about why this is the case and how to properly stretch the hip flexors. This is something I’ve written on previously here.

4. The 3 Absolute Worst Health And Fitness Goals You Must Avoid: Courtesy of Dr. John Berardi on Precision Nutrition

Goal setting is nothing new. Most know that if they want to accomplish something, having a clearly defined goal can help. Did you know there are different types of goals that can help you more? In this article, Dr. Berardi talks about 3 fitness goals you need to avoid and what type of goal setting to use instead.

5. 14 Simple Ways To Stick To A Healthy Diet: Courtesy of Franziska Spritzler on Authority Nutrition

Let’s be honest, the best diet is the one you can stick to and enjoy. If it’s too hard or restrictive, the odds of you continuing it are pretty slim. In this article, Franziska talks about 14 different methods you can use to stick to a healthy diet and see great results.

Dinner Recipe Of The Week: Sausage, Peppers, Onions, and Potato Bake





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