Best Articles From The Previous Week: July 12 2015
Hope you all had a great week. I spent the weekend in Orlando. I attended my first ever NSCA national conference, got to ride the Orlando Eye, and explored the beautiful Blue Springs State Park. My wife and I had a really good time. Lets jump right into the best articles from the previous week!…

The Key Ingredient To Success
This week I’ll be heading down to Orlando for the National Strength and Conditioning Association National Conference. This will be my first time going, so I’m pretty excited. It should be a great weekend filled with lots of learning. Before I left, I wanted to write up a quick article for you. This is something…
Best Articles From The Previous Week: July 5 2015
So today is a very special day. It’s my 2nd wedding anniversary! My wife and I will be having dinner at the restaurant where our reception was held two years ago. Then we’re gonna watch the USA take on Japan in the Women’s World Cup championship. Suffice to say, it’s going to be a pretty…

5 Easy Food Switches You Can Make To Save Calories
One of the topics I have written about heavily over the past couple of months has been creating a caloric deficit. I cannot stress enough how important this is for weight loss and fat loss. The two ways to create a caloric deficit are 1) eat less food or 2) exercise. In my experience, most people…
Best Articles From The Previous Week: June 28 2015
This will be the start of a brand new series! I know a lot of people like learning about health, fitness, and nutrition but are unsure where to find quality information. I decided to start compiling a list from the previous week on some of the best articles I come across. This will be an easy…

How To Properly Train Your Abs
Traditional core training usually consists of things like crunches, sit ups, side bends, russian twists, and the like. Walk into any commercial gym and you will be sure to see those types of exercises. These exercises allow the spine to move through a large range of motion, and do not properly train your abs. Stuart Mcgill,…

The One Thing You Can Do To Help You Reach Your Goals Faster
Think about the last time you had a project to do with a partner. It may have been at school, work, or even at home. For me, it was at home. My wife and I just finished making an outdoor table for our patio. What I want you to think back to was how much quicker…

How To Create An Effective Fat Loss Program
We all know that a solid fat loss program and good nutritional habits are absolutely essential to getting leaner. You can’t have one without the other. They go together like lamb and tuna fish (Adam Sandler fans will get that :)). One thing I see probably more than anything at the gym is people wandering…

Five Super Easy Steps For Real World Weight Loss
The weight loss industry as a whole can be shady. There are constantly new pills, procedures, and diets coming on the market to help you look better. But they come with a hefty price tag and usually don’t work. If they somehow do work, it usually isn’t sustainable long-term and you wind up right back…

Sugar Isn’t Responsible For Making You Fat
Sugar is bad for you, right? That seems to be all we’ve been hearing lately. It is responsible for America’s weight gain and rising obesity. But the question I want to propose is, is that the real reason why? I recently viewed the documentary Fed Up. If you don’t know anything about it, I’ll give you…