7 Fitness and Nutrition Hacks For Faster Weight Loss
A hack is a strategy designed to make your life easier and more manageable. They are great time savers and will make you much more efficient. This means quicker results. Today, I want to present you with 7 fitness and nutrition hacks you can start using immediately. Enjoy! 1. Add protein powder to your morning oatmeal Protein…

It’s Ok To Say “It’s Ok”
The one aspect of health and fitness that isn’t spoken about much today is mindset. There are magazines and books covering nutrition, workouts, and supplements. And yet one of the biggest players in seeing real results, mindset, isn’t explored. The fact is, a negative mindset can be so powerful, that it can completely derail any effort…

Exercise Intensity: How To Determine What’s Appropriate
Intensity is a word often misunderstood in the fitness community. Many believe, in order to see results, they need a workout that leaves them vomiting, sweating buckets, and hardly walking the next day. There’s also the opposite end of the spectrum where reading the newspaper and pedaling aimlessly on a recumbent bike go hand in hand toward…

The Split Squat
Today, I want to cover an exercise that I don’t see being done very often: the split squat. I want to highlight some benefits of this exercise as well as some common mistakes I see when taking a client through it for the first time. So let’s jump right in! First things first, what is…

Get More From Your Training
The typical gym goer usually doesn’t track anything when they go to the gym. More often than not, their workout is made up on the spot. They perform the basic 3 sets of 10, and then call it a day. They mix up exercises every now and then, and try to add weight when they can.…

Establish A Nutrition Plan
I’m sure you’re familiar with the saying “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail”, right? It’s a simple statement, but a very important one. Planning is the key to accomplishing any goal. As an example, let’s say you want to go on your dream vacation in the next year. In one scenario, you continue doing…

Carbohydrates: The Nutrient Everyone Loves To Hate
The topic of nutrition is a funny thing. It seems like everything changes on a day to day basis. One day it’s fine to eat 3 meals a day, the next day you must be eating 6 meals a day to maximize fat loss. One day the media reports that fat causes heart disease, the next day…

Setting Goals For The New Year-Finding Your WHY
The New Year is finally here. I don’t know about you, but 2014 seemed to fly by! And with a New Year comes New Year’s resolutions. And that’s what I want to talk to you about today. At the beginning of each year, millions of people create goals for themselves ultimately to give up on them…

The Rocking Hip Flexor Stretch
Hip flexion is the act of raising the thigh toward the trunk or bending the trunk toward the thigh. There are several muscles that create hip flexion such as the Iliacus, Psoas, Rectus Femoris, Sartorius, and Tensor Fascia Latae (TFL). There are also a couple muscles that assist in hip flexion such as the Adductor…

How To Fix Your Squat……Fast!
The squat is held by some as the king of all exercises and for good reason. It activates your abs, glutes, quads, hamstrings, and calves all in one movement. Not many exercises can do that. This makes it a must for any training program. And the great thing about it is that there are many…