The Deadlift: An Exercise You Should Be Doing
The gym is loaded with people trying new exercises each and every day. I have seen some odd things before. It never ceases to amaze me how everyone tries to create new flashy exercises in order to look cool or stand out. Fortunately though, most of the exercises that you need have already been created.…

The Ultimate Mindset
As humans, we tend to justify doing things if we know it is something we shouldn’t do. We always find at least one reason why a certain action is alright. If we convince ourselves that something is ok for us to do, then we will do it. As we do this more and more, it…

Are We Taking Our Health For Granted?
Today’s post will be a bit different than usual. I want to tell you a story that happened to me and my wife recently. It got me thinking about something important, so I wanted to share that with you. A couple of weeks ago, we came down with a nasty stomach bug. This bug was…

Food and Hormones: Part 3
Ok everyone, this is the last installment of this series on food and hormones. If you missed part 1 or part 2 you can catch up by clicking the links. Today, I’m going to cover the final hormone, cortisol. Now these three hormones are by no means the only hormones that play a role in the food…

Food and Hormones: Part 2
In this article, we are going to continue our series on hormones and food. The first post was all about insulin. If you missed it, you can catch up here. Today, we’re going to cover another important hormone, Leptin. So let’s dive right in! LEPTIN Background Leptin is a big player in satiety, metabolism, and…

Food and Hormones: Part 1
This is the start of a series of articles on food and hormones. Over the next couple of weeks, I’m going to discuss three important hormones that can wreck havoc on your body composition if not in check. You want to be aware of them and how they function so you can ensure that your…

Fundamental Movement Patterns
Each program I design is always centered around fundamental movement patterns. These patterns are the different ways we should be able to move as humans. Over time, our movement can be compromised as the result of posture, jobs, and things of that nature. In essence, we are a product of our environment. Here are the…

Is eating out hindering your fat loss?
One of the things I get clients to do more overtime is to cook at home. There are a lot of benefits. It’s less expensive, you can use the leftovers for lunch, you cook the food so you know what is in it, and there are usually less calories. Learning to cook at home is…

Conquering the Grocery Store
Most of us have probably heard the saying “You can’t out train a bad diet.” Unfortunately it’s the truth. No matter how much you bust your butt in the gym, if you eat crap you won’t see results. I’m not talking about eating poorly a couple times per week. I’m talking about eating terribly the…

The True Function of the Abdominals
A lot of people are missing the mark when it comes to training their abs. The gyms are flooded with people doing sit ups, crunches, Russian twists, and tons of other exercises that placed the spine in a bad position. Hopefully though you have never seen anything like this. Anyways, core training continues to be…