creating long-term motivation

A Guide To Creating Long-Term Motivation

According to the dictionary, motivation is defined as “the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way”. Motivation to accomplish any goal is very important, but unfortunately it’s often fleeting.

We wake up one day with all the confidence and vigor in the world only to have it come crashing down the following week. So, is it possible to maintain motivation for the long haul? The answer to the question is yes, and in this guide you’ll learn exactly how to turn your motivation into long-term success.

First, let’s look at what causes us to become motivated in the first place.

Motivation for anything starts with desire. It’s our desire to accomplish a particular task or goal. That desire typically stems from a want, a need, or an incentive. What do these look like?

Want: You are getting married in 3 months and want to drop 10lbs and look amazing on your wedding day.

Need: Your spouse just lost their job, you have 3 children, and are applying for a new job with a big salary increase. This extra income will provide food and education for your kids.

Incentive: You have a big project you have to complete at work and will receive a bonus if you finish ahead of schedule. 

Each of these have value but are completely different in nature. What motivates one person may not motivate another person at all. However, if want to accomplish any goal there are some common steps you must complete. These apply no matter if your goal is a need, want, or incentive. Let’s take a look at what they are.

1. Determine exactly what you want and why it’s important to you.

A goal that isn’t specific will never be achieved. You must nail down what it is you are trying to accomplish and why you care about it.

From the health and fitness side of the equation, it may be to fit in the suit you wore on your wedding day because you want to look good for your spouse on your upcoming anniversary trip. Or you may want to lose 50 pounds because your parents died from a heart attack and you want to set a good example for your children and be there for them as they grow up.

Whatever it is, you need to figure that out first. This is the first and most critical step in creating long-term motivation.

2. Realize that in order to obtain a goal you must give up something.

The one thing we can never get back in this life is time. Everything has a trade off. If you are going to invest your time in one area another area will be lacking. This is something you have to be ok with when you set out to complete a goal.

If you are going to the gym in the morning before work, you will have to give up some extra minutes of sleep. This means you will have to go to bed a little earlier each night. Again, whatever the trade off is you need to be comfortable with it and realize that what you are giving up is less than what you are gaining.

3. Create a deadline.

Deadlines are magical in nature. They can get us to work harder than we ever have before. If there’s no deadline set, it’s easy to convince yourself that your goal isn’t important. And when this happens, it’s hard to regain motivation.

Another beauty of a deadline is it places an end in sight. As humans, we need to see the light at the end of the tunnel if we are going to push ourselves to extreme lengths. Be sure to take the time and think about how long it will take you to attain your goal. Whether it’s 1 month or 1 year, set the deadline and mark it on your calendar.

4. Schedule time to work on your goal.

Once a deadline has been created, you need to work towards completing your goal. Plan out when you will dedicate time for it.

Going back to our gym example from above, if you only have time to go to the gym at 6 a.m. then put in on your schedule. Think of it as a meeting that you can’t miss. That way when your alarm goes off, you have a plan to follow.

Whatever your goal is, devote time each week toward completing tasks associated with it and you will certainly accomplish it faster.

5. Write out your goal in a clear statement. Include the exact goal, why it’s important to you, and your deadline.

This step is simply to create a reminder. Once you have your statement written, place it in a spot you will see everyday. Once you see it each day, it will remind you of why you are doing what you are doing. This will help you push through those tough times.

Your statement could be as simple as: “I want to fit back into the suit I wore on my wedding day for my and my wife’s upcoming anniversary cruise. I want to feel confident in the way I look and look attractive for my spouse. I will accomplish this in 12 weeks.”

6. Read your goal everyday. 

In his book, The Power Of The Subconscious Mind, Dr. Joseph Murphy talks about why this is important.

He states, “Your subconscious mind never sleeps, never rests. It is always on the job. You can discover the miracle-working power of your subconscious by plainly stating to your subconscious that you wish a certain specific thing accomplished. You will be delighted to discover that forces within you will be released, leading to the desired result.” (1)

Dr. Murphy is basically saying when you repeat your goal over and over again, it becomes ingrained within your brain. Once this happens, you will begin to do everything in your power to accomplish that goal. You will be focused and persistent in your efforts.

Your goal becomes real, and by reading it aloud you can envision yourself completing it. That is extremely powerful and will provide the accountability you need each and every day.


These 6 steps are the keys to creating long-term motivation. But the thing to remember about any goal is that it’s never a sprint. Most goals, depending on what they are, can take months to achieve.

There’s a saying that goes, “Strive for progress, not perfection”. I couldn’t say it better. With each day, strive to complete tasks that ultimately push you closer toward your big goal and be patient.

If your goal is fitness related, it could be going to the gym 3 days per week or making your lunch ahead of time. While these things seem small in nature, they are stepping stones on the path toward true success. With that in mind, follow these 6 steps and you can accomplish anything you desire.


1. Murphy, Joseph (2012-11-01). The Power of Your Subconscious Mind (Unabridged Start Publishing LLC) (p. 28). Start Publishing LLC. Kindle Edition.


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